Please select from the menu above
- Abhyanga
Massage-like therapies
- Acidity
Increase in the acid content of stomach; a sign of indigestion
- Adrenergic
Term applied to sympathetic nerves which liberate adrenaline and noradrenaline from their terminations
- Agni
Digestive enzymes
- Ahimsa
- Ajapa
The Gayatri mantra that brings salvation
- Ajirna
- Ajna chakra
Third eye or intuitive eye
- Akasha
- Akshe-paka
- Alaji
A painful mouth eruption emitting discharge
- Alasaka
A digestive disorder
- Albumin.
Any of a class of water-soluble proteins found in egg-white, milk, blood, etc.
- Alepa/ atepanam
Medicated pastes for ulcers
- Allaepauk
Ginger jam with additional spices
- Allergen.
Any substance that causes an allergic reaction.
- Alochaka Pitta
One of the five Pitta subdoshas; resides in the retina of the eyes and governs sight.
- Alopecia
Baldness, loss of hair, a natural or abnormal condition
- Ama
- Amenorrhea
Suppression or absence of menstruation
- Amlapitta
Acid gastritis
- Anaha
A digestive disorder involving ama and /or feces accumulation in the digestive tract
- Anahata chakra
Fourth or heart chakra
- Analgesic
agent that relieves or reduces pain
- Anasarca
An edema-like swelling
- Anemia
decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood, decrease hemoglobin content of blood
- Angina
sense of suffocation or constriction
- Angina pectoris
Pain in the chest brought on by exertion, occurring due to an inadequate blood supply to the heart.
- Anguli/ angula
Finger width measurement
- Ani marma
Energy point governing muscle tension (located just above the knees)
- Anjana
Eye salves
- Anna lepa
Poultice used when pinda sweda is contraindicated or ineffective
- Annamaya kosha
Food cell
- Annavaha srota
Digestive system channels of transport
- anoopsi
- Antacids
agents, which neutralize excessive acidity in the stomach
- Anthelmintic
Agents, which destroy or expel intestinal worms (e.g. Vidanga, Male fern root, Chenopodium). Any drug or agent used to destroy parasitic worms, especially intestinal ones
- Antidiabetic
medicine preventing or overcoming diabetes by lowering blood sugar
- Antidysenteric
medicine given against dysentery
- Antiemetic
which prevents or lessens the tendency to vomit
- Antigen
A foreign substance which causes the body to produce antibodies.
- Antipyretic drug.
A drug that reduces fever.
- Antiseptics
inhibits or retards or prevents the growth and reproduction or arrests the development of bacteria or other microorganisms on the surface of body or in vitro
- Antitussive
any measures which suppress cough
- Antraja vriddhi
Inguinal hernia
- Anupana
A food medium or vehicle that transports herbs to the tissue levels (e.g., honey)
- Anuvasana basti
Unctuous medicated enema
- Ap
Water element
- Apan Vayu
One of the five Vayu subdoshas; downward moving air
- Apanahas svedhana
Hot poultice applied to body then wrapped in heated cloth
- Aparigraha
Not chasing after material wealth
- Apartarpana
Reducing or detoxifying therapies
- Apasmara
- Arbuda
- Ardha matsyendrasana
Alternate spinal twist yoga pose
- Arishtha/ asava
Medicated wines
- Arochaka
- Arogya
- Arrhythmias
any deviation from the normal rhythm of the heart
- Arshas
- Artavaha srota
Uterus channels
- Arthralgia
pain in a joint, especially when there is no inflammation
- Arthritis
inflammation of joints
- Asana
Hatha yoga postures
- Asanas
Body postures adopted in Yoga.
- Asava, arishtha
Medicated wines
- Ashaya
Containers within the body
- Ashcotana
Therapy using eye drops
- Ashtabindu
Eight drops
- Ashtanga Hridayam
One of the three main ancient Ayurvedic texts
- Asrigdara
- Asthapana or niruha basti
Non-oily enema
- Asthi
Bone tissue
- Astivaha srota
Bone channels
- Astringent
an agent, which contract tissues and checks secretions, allay inflammations, acts as styptic (stops capillary blood flow), stimulates epithelial growth locally, acts as antiseptic and protective
- Atisara
- Atreya
Author of Charak Samhita
- Aum
First sound of creation
- Aupadravikam adhyayam
Eye diseases
- Avagahan
Soaking in a tub of medicated water
- Avalambaka Kapha
One of the five Kapha subdoshas; found in the chest and creates cohesion, softness, moistness, and liquidity, which results in maintaining body strength.
- Avaleha
- Avapida
Nasal therapy using fresh herb juices
- Ayurveda
Science of life and longevity
- Bahihpragna
Perceiving the world through the senses
- Bahya kumbhaka
Outer breath retention
- Baikhari
Audible sounds produced by the throat
- Bajra nadi
First subtler channel in sushumna
- Balamaya pratihedha
Children?s diseases
- Bandhas
Energy locks used during yoga poses
- Basmati rice
A sweet, nutritious, and easily digesed riceq
- Basti
Bladder or medicated enema-one of the five pancha karma therapies
- Basti marma
Energy center below the navel; governing apana Vayu, Kapha, urine function
- Bhagandara
- Bhagnam
- Bhajans
Singing of religious songs
- Bhasma
Burnt metals or gems (generally for ingesting)
- Bhastra kumbhaka
Bellows breath exercise
- Bhesan
Chick pea (also called garbanzo and channa)
- Bhrajaka Pitta
One of the five Pitta subdoshas; resides in the skin. It regulates complexion by keeping secretions from the sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin active.
- Bhramari kumbhaka
Humming-bee breath
- Bhujangasana
Serpent pose
- Bhujangini mudra
Breathing exercise for stomach diseases and digestion.
- Bhut Vidya
Ayurvedic psychiatry
- Bhutagnis
Five digestive enzymes and metabolize the five elements
- Bidalika
- Bij
- Bikshepa
Hallucination energy of the causal or essential body.
- Bindu
Semen or ovum
- Bodhaka Kapha
One of the five Kapha subdoshas; found in the tongue and is responsible for taste
- Brahma
Name of God of creation.
- Brahmacharya
Celibacy; one who follows a spiritual lifestyle including celibacy (certain religious married couples have their own form of brahmacharya).
- Brahman
A name for eternal, unmanifest God
- Brahmanadi
Subtlest channel in the sushumna
- Brahmarandhra
Area in the crown chakra
- Brahmi
Gotu kola
- brahmi ghee
A rejuvenating herbal/ghee therapy with brahmi as the main ingredient.
- Brihat Samhita
A Jyotish astrology text.
- Brimhana
Nourishing therapies in pancha karma
- Bronchietasis
Dilatation onf the bronchi, the air passages
- Bronchitis
illness caused by the inflammation of bronchial tree in the lungs
- Caecum
A blind-ended pouch at the junction of the small and large intestines
- Cala
Moving quality of food.
- Calculus
A stone or stony mass of minerals formed within the body.
- Camphor
A white, translucent, crystalline, swiftly-evaporating substance with an aromatic smell.
- Cardiac ischaemia.
A reduction of blood supply to the heart.
- Carminative
having the power to relieve flatulence and associated colic
- Carminative.
.A mixture of medicines which sharpens the appetite
- Chai
- Chaitanya
- Chakra
Spiritual energy centers in the body.
- Chandrabheda pranayama
Left-nostril breathing exercise
- Channa dal
Chick peas or garbanzo beans
- Charak
Pen name of author of Charak Samhita (Lord Atreya)
- Charak samhita
One of the three main ancient Ayurvedic texts
- Chardi
- Chitrini
Second subtlest channel in the sushumna
- Cholinergic
applied to parasympathetic nerves, which liberate acetylcholine at their terminations
- Choti ela
Small cardamom seeds
- Churnas
Herb powders
- Chyavan prash
Herbal rejuvanative jam with amalaki and ghee as its main ingredients
- Cirrhosis
degenerative changes in the liver which results in fibrosis
- Cirrhosis.
A chronic disease of the liver marked by the degeneration of cells and the thickening of surrounding tissues, as a result of alcoholism, hepatitis, etc.
- Coitus
the act of sexual intercourse; copulation
- Colic
pain due to contraction of smooth muscles in the walls of intestines or genitourinary system
- Conjunctivitis
inflammation of the conjunctiva
- Coronary thrombosis.
A blockage of the blood flow caused by a blood in a coronary artery.
- Cortisone
A steroid harmone produced by the outer part of the adrenal glands or synthetically, and used medicinally, especially against inflammation and allergy.
- Crystalluria
excretion of crystals in the urine
- Danta roga
Tooth disorders
- Danta vidradhi
Dental abscess
- Dantamula
- Dardhya
- Decanted.
Gradually poured from one container to another, without disturbing the sediment.
- Decoction
A process of boiling down so as to extract some essence.
- Deha-manasa
- Denatured
A change of properties in a substance due to the effects of another substance being added.
- Dhanurasana
Bow pose(yoga posture)
- Dhanvantari
Divine father of Ayurveda
- Dhara drava
Medicated oil for the head
- Dhara karma
Certain pancha karma therapies
- Dhara svedhana
Pouring warm oil on body, causing sweating
- Dharana
- Dharma
Life purpose or life path; God-given talent.
- Dhatagnis
Seven digestive enzymes that metabolize the seven tissue layers; it includes anabolic and catabolic activity
- Dhatu
- Dhuma
Medicated smoke therapy
- Dhyana
Fixed God-visualization
- Diaphoretic.
An agent inducing perspiration.
- Diuretic.
Any substance causing an increased output of urine.
- Dosha
Humors; elemental or energetics related to personal constitution or current health imbalance (Vayu, Pitta, Kapha, Tridosha).
- Draksha
Herbal wine
- Drava
Liquid quality of food
- Drava svedhana
See dhara svedhana
- Drishti
- Drishti-gata-roga-vijnaniya
Eye pupil diseases
- Emulsion
A fine dispersion of fatty liquid in another liquid, usually water.
- Endocrine glands.
Glands secreting directly into the blood stream-also known as ductless glands.
- Endometrium.
The membrane lining of the womb
- Endotoxin
A toxin produced inside certain bacteria.
- Expectorant
A medication that facilitates the coughing out of phlegm, etc.
- Exporthalmic goitre.
Overactivity of the thyroid gland, resulting in eyeballs protruding out.
- Galaganda
- Ganges
Famous river in India believed to believed to posess spiritual healing powers
- Gangotri
A holy place near the source of the
- Garuda Purana
Ancient Vedic text that discusses gems.
- Gayatri mantra
Mantra for salvation
- Ghee
Clarified butter
- Ghrita
Another word for ghee
- Glutanic acid
A naturally occurring amino-acid, a constituent of many proteins.
- Gomedha
Hessonite garnet used for healing in Ayurveda and Jyotish astrology
- Gomukhasana
Cow-face yoga pose
- Gonads
. Testicles or ovaries.
- Goraksha Samhita
A major hatha yoga treatise
- Grahani
Duodenum. Digestive disorders
- Gridhrasi
- Grishma
- Guda
(jaggery) a form of pure cane sugar
- Gulma
Abdominal tumors
- Gunas
Three qualities or the fundamental laws of nature (sattwa: creation, rajas: maintainance, tamas: dissolution)
- Guru
Teacher; also heavy quality of foods.
- Guti
Herbal pills
- Halasana
Plough pose
- Hang sah mantra
Sound of the life-breath
- Hataratnavali
Major hatha yoga treatise
- Hatha yoga
Gentle stretching exercises that improve health, mind/body coordination and spiritual foundations
- Hemanta
Winter season
- Hikka
- Hima
Cold infusions
- Hiranyagarbha
Supreme God, golden egg, universal consciousness, or Supreme Self
- Hirchula
Cardiac colic
- Hridroga
Heart disease
- Hydrotherapy.
The use of water, generally in the form of exercises, in the treatment of disorders.
- Hyperglycaemia
An excess of glucose in the blood stream.
- Ida
Left or lunar channel, associated with pingala; surrounding the sushumna
- Infarction.
A small localized area of dead tissue caused by an inadequate blood supply.
- Infusion.
A liquid obtained by steeping the herb, etc. in liquid to extract the content.
- Insulin.
A hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langherhans, regulating the amount of glucose in the blood and the lack of which causes diabetes.
- Jaggery
(guda) a form of pure cane sugar
- Jalandhara bandha
Throat lock used with yoga postures to keep the bindu from flowing down- out of the head.
- Jara
- Jathara parivartanasana
Belly roll yoga pose
- Jatharagni
Digestive enzymes in the G.I. level
- Jatrurdhva marma
Energy point group; those points of the neck and head
- Jihwa roga
Tongue disorders
- Jnyan mudra
Finger position to keep energy from flowing out of the fingers
- Jwara
- Jyotish Vedic
- Kaki mudra
A breathing exercise-pursing lips and inhaling; cools Pitta (heat)
- Kama
Healthy and spiritual use of the senses
- Kamala roga
- Kantha roga
Throat disorders
- Kapalbhati kumbhaka
Frontal brain cleanse Kapha biological phlegm; water/earth energetic, constitution, or humor
- Kapitthaparni
A name for frankincense
- Kapotasana
Pigeon yoga pose
- Karana sharira
Causal or essential body
- Karma
- Karna purana
Ear bath therapy
- Karna-gata-roga-vijnaniya
Ear disorders
- Karnapali
roga Ear lobes
- Karpur
- Kasa
- Kashaya
- Kathina
Hard quality of food
- Katti basti
Lower back bath therapy
- Katu
- Kaumara bhritya Pediatrics;
one of the eight branches of Ayurvedic medicine.
- Kaya seka
Oil poured over the body (therapy)
- Kayachikitsa
Internal medicine; one of the eight branches of Ayurvedic medicine.
- Kayvala kumbhaka
Automatic still breath exercise
- Khara
Rough quality of food.
- Kichari Grain/legume meal
; usually basmati rice and mungdal. Sometimes some veges are included
- Kledaka Kapha
One of the five Kapha subdoshas; found in the stomach, liquefying hard food masses.
- Kosthagni
Digestive fire/enzymes.
- Krimi
- Krishna
A name of God
- Krishna-gata-roga-vijnaniya
Chorid and iris
- Kriya yoga
Form of yoga exercises
- Kshaya
- Kukkutasana
Cockerel yoga pose
- Kukshi-shula
A vayu digestive disorder
- Kumbhaka
Yogic breathing exercises
- Kundalini shakti
Spiritual life-force
- Kurmasana
Tortoise yoga pose
- Kushtha Obstinate
skin diseases
- Kwatha
Herbal decoction
- Lalana chakra
Energy center in the palate
- Langhana
Reducing therapies
- Lavana
- Laya yoga
Yoga stage where breathing stops
- Lekhana
Scraping therapies
- Lepa
Herbal paste or poultice
- Madat-yaya
Alcohol recovery
- Madhayamanga marma
Energy point group: those points on the trunk of the body
- Madhura
- Madhya
Medium (level)
- Madhyama
Sound(nada) rising to the heart that is felt by the ears (but not heard)
- Maha bandha
Great lock pose
- Maha bheda
Yoga pose that brins life-breath into sushumna
- Maha bheda mudra
Great piercing (yoga) position
- Maha marma
The 3 vital organs: head, heart, urinary bladder
- Maha mudra
Great sealing pose
- Maharishi Kanada
Author of Nadivijnanam
- Mahavir Hanuman
the Monkey-God; Lord of selfless service and devotion
- Majja
Marrow/bones and joint channels
- Majjavaha srota
Marrow/joint lubrication channels
- Majjavaha srotas
Urinary channels
- Mala
Waste produce (i.e., urine, sweat, feces)
- Malic acid.
An organic acid found in unripe apples and other fruits.
- Mamsavaha srota
Muscular channels
- Manas chakra
Energy center slightly above the 3rd eye on the forehead
- Manda
Slow quality of food; also rice water
- Mandagni
Kapha-produced digestive enzymes
- Manipura chakra
Energy center located at the navel
- Manomaya kosha
Mind cell
- Mantra
Special words or sounds for health and spiritual development.
- Mantra yoga
Meditation using words or sounds
- Marga
Tracts in the body
- Marma
Energy points on the body
- Masma
Muscle tissue
- Matsyasana
Fish pose
- Matsyendrasana
Spinal twist
- Medas
Fat/adipose tissue
- Medovaha
Srota adipose/fat channels
- Melanin
. A dark-brown to black pigment occurring in the hair, skin, and iris of the eye, that is responsible for tanning of the skin when exposed to the sunlight.
- Mithya ahar vihar
Improper lifestyle
- Moksha
- Mridu
Soft quality of food
- Mucilage.
A sticky substance extracted from certain plants.
- Mudras
Body and hand positions that channel energy into the charkas and sushumna
- Mukha roga
Mouth cavity
- Mula bandha
Perineum/cervix contraction used with yoga poses
- Muladhara chakra
Energy center at the base of the spine
- Murcha
- Murchha kumbhaka
Swooning breath exercise
- Murdha taila
Head oil
- Mutra
- Mutra vriddhi
Scrotum fluid
- Mutra-ashmari
Urinary stones
- Mutra-ghata
Urinary diseases
- Mutra-ghatadi
Urinary retention
- Mutra-krichra
- Mutra-sharkara
Urinary gravel
- Mutraghata
Urine obstruction
- Mutravaha srota
Urinary channels
- Myocardial infraction.
Stoppage of blood supply to the heart muscle, resulting in its destruction.
- Myrobalans.
Dried fruits of the trees amla, harad, and bahera.
- Myxoedema.
A syndrome caused by hypothyroidism, resulting in thickening of the skin, weight gain, mental dullness, loss of energy and sensitivity to cold.
- Nabhi
- Nabho mudra
Yoga exercise involving head extention and breathing
- Nada
- Nadi
Nerve channels
- Nadi shodhana pranayama
Dual-nostril breathing exercise
- Nadi sveda
Medicated herbal steam directed through a tube and applied to localized body areas
- Nadi-vrana
- Nadiprakasham/ nadivijnanam
Pulse diagnosis
- Nasa-gata-roga-vijnaniya
Nose diseases
- Nasya
The therapies applied through the nose; one of the five pancha karma therapies
- Nayana-bhighata-pratishedha
Externally caused eye injury
- Neti
Pot a small vessel that looks like a miniature watering can; used for nasal channel washing
- Netra basti
Medicated eye baths
- Nidana
Diagnosis, etiology, cause of disease
- Niketa
Abodes within the body
- Nila marma
Energy points on the neck
- Nirama
Non-clogged (no ama) digestive system
- Nirbikalpa samadhi
Second stage of samadhi (absorption in eternal consciousness)
- Niruha basti
Oily enema
- Nirvan shakti
Mother of the three worlds-experienced when crown chakra opens
- Niyama
Ethical codes of conduct; purtity, contentment, devotion, spiritual study, faith in God; included with Yama
- Odana
Soft, plain basmati rice meal
- Ojas
Life sap; essence of immune system and spiritual energy
- Oxalic acid.
A mild and sour acid found in some fruits and herbs.
- Pachaka agni
Responsible for digestion
- Pachaka Pitta
One of the five Pitta subdoshas; the main digestive enzymes, they are found in the small intestine, stomach, and colon as non-liquid heat, bile, or digestive fire. The fire digests and transforms food, emulsifying food fats and separating absorbable nutrients from waste, so they may be passed to lacteals by absorption.
- Padabhyanga
Foot massage
- Padma
- Padmasana
Lotus yoga pose
- Pancha karma
Five cleansing therapies; vaman, virechan, basti, nasya, rakta moksha
- Panchang
- Pandu-roga
- Panir
Home made Indian ricotta cheese
- Pantha
Passages within the body
- Pantothenic acid.
A vitamin of the B complex group which is essential for the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates.
- Para nada
Sound evolving from kundalini at the first chakra
- Parisheka
Medicated water sprinkled over localized areas of the body for therapeutic benefits
- Parlaya
Universal sound sleep
- Parotid gland.
A salivary gland in front of the ear.
- Parshva-shula
A form of colic
- Paschimottanasana
Back stretching yoga pose
- Pashasana
Chord yoga pose
- Pasyanti
Sound only heard by advanced yogis
- Patanjali
Author or the Yoga Sutras and commentator on yama and niyama
- Payasam
Semi-solid pudding for pinda sveda
- Pestle.
A club-shaped appliance used for pounding substances.
- Peya
Thin soup taken after pancha karma therapies
- Phanta
Hot infusions
- Phospholipids.
Any lipid consisting of a phosphate group and one or more fatty acids.
- Pinasa
- Pinda sveda
abhyanga therapy using a heated bolus
- Pingala
The right or solar nerve channel ?related to ida; both surround the sushumna
- Pitta
Biological bile; fire energetic, a constitution, or humor
- Pituitary gland.
A small ductless gland at the base of the brain secreting various hormones essential for growth and other bodily functions.
- Pizhichil
Abhyanga therapy involving the continuous pouring of warm oil over the body
- Poultice.
A soft, medicated and usually heated mass applied to the body and kept in place with muslin, etc. for relieving soreness and inflammation.
- Prabhava
Special effect of herbs
- Pradara
- Pradhamana
Nasal therapy: herbs blown through a tube
- Pradhana karma
Primary pancha karma practices
- Pradhena
Non-absorbing topical pastes for Vayu and kapha doshas
- Prakriti
One?s Life consumption
- Pralepa
Topical pastes for pitta dosha
- Prameha
Obstinate urinary disease (including diabetes)
- Prameha
pidaka Diabetic ulcer
- Prana Vayu
One of the five Vayu subdoshas; outward moving air.
- Pranalife
- Pranavaha
srota Channel which prana flows
- Pranayam
Breathing exercise
- Prasad
Food offering to God
- Prasadana
Vision-clearing eye salves
- Pratimarsha
Oil/uncting nasal therapy
- Pratishyaya
- Pratyahara
Withdrawal and liberation of the mind for senses and objects (5th stage of yoga)
- Pravahika
- Pritivi
- Puakusha
- Puja
Worship ritual
- Punster
Male reproductive system
- Purine
. A product of protein metabolism.
- Purisha
Feces waste product
- Purishavaha srota
Feces elimination channels
- Purusha
Eternal, unmanifest consciousness
- Purva karma
Preliminary pancha karma therapies (oleation & sudation)
- Purvarupa
Hidden or incubatory signs of disease
- Pushti
- Pustule
. A blister containing pus
- Raja yoga
Final stage of yoga; one remains ever centered within their self
- Raja-yakshma
Pulmonary TB
- Rajas/rajasis
Law of nature that maintains life; one of the three gunas
- Rakta
- Rakta moksha
Blood letting; one of the five pancha karma cleansing methods
- Raktaja gulma
Blood/ovarian tumors and cysts
- Raktavaha
srota Blood circulatory channel
- Ranjaka pitta
One if the five pitta subdoshas; located in the stomach, liver and spleen, and gives color to lymph chyle when it is transformed into blood as it passes through the liver and spleen.
- Rasa
Plasma;taste;also product containing mercury ash
- Rasa dhatu
Plasma tissue
- Rasavaha
srota Plasma channels
- Rasavahini
- Rasayana
- Rasayani
- Ravi Shankar
Reknown star musician
- Rhizome.
An underground rootlike stem bearing both roots and shoots.
- Rig Veda
One of the four main Vedic Scriptures
- Rig veda Bhasyabhumika
Ancient Vedic Scripture
- Rishi
Seer or sage
- Roga
- Rubafacient
. A counter irritant that stimulates the blood supply.
- Rudhrapushpa
- Rukshana
Drying therapies in pancha karma
- Rupa Form;
signs or symptoms of disease
- Rusha
Dry quality of food
- Sadhaka Pitta
One of the five Pitta subdoshas; found in the heart. It helps in performing mental functions such as knowledge, intelligence, and consciousness by maintaining rhythmic contractions.
- Sadhana
- Sahasrara chakra
Energy center at the crown of head
- Saibikalpa samadhi
First stage of samadhi; sattwic mind
- Salamba sarvangasana
Shoulder stand pose
- Sama
Coated tongue due to ama in the digestive system
- Sama veda
One of the four main vedic scriptures
- Samadhi
Various stages of self-Realization
- Samagni
Normal digestion
- Samana Vayu
One of the five Vayu subdoshas; equalized moving air
- Samashodhana
Strong reducing therapies for more serious imbalances
- Samnyasa
- Samprapti
Pathogenesis; disease development
- Samsarajana
Special diet after undergoing pancha karma therapies
- Samshamana
Gentle reducing therapies for mild imbalances
- Samtarpana
Nourishing pancha karma therapies
- Samvritasamvrita
Ducts with in the body
- Sanatana dharma
Fundamental Hindu philosophy that states every thing has its use in its own time and place ; so reject nothing and accept everything (in its time and place)
- Sandhi mukti
- Sandhigata-roga-vijnaniya
- Sandra
Solid quality of food
- Sapta dhatus
Seven tissue layer
- Saraswati
Goddess of wisdom, education, and music
- Sarva-gata-roga-abhishyandha
- Sarvanga senchana
Another name for kaya seka
- Sattwa/sattwic
Purity; one of the three gunas
- Sattwavajaya
Holistic psychotherapy
- Scarlet fever.
An infectious bacterial fever, which affects mainly children, giving them a scarlet rash
- Sebaceous glands.
Glands secreting or conveying oily matter to lubricate the skin or hair
- Setu bandha sarvangasana
Bridge yoga pose
- Shakti
Spiritual energy
- Shalabhasan
Locust pose
- Shalakya
tantra Ears, nose, throat; one of the eight branches of Ayurvedic medicine
- Shamana
Palliation therapy
- Shambhavi mudra
Staring at 3rd eye exercise
- Shankar Sen
Author of Nadiprakasham
- Shankha marma
Energy point group on legs and feet
- Sharat
- Sharirachidra
Spaces within the body
- Shastra
Vedic Laws
- Shatapatra
- Shavasana
Corpse pose
- Sheka
Ee sprinkling therapy
- Shiksha, diksha, pariksha
Learning, dedicated practice, evalution
- Shilipada
- Shiro basti
Medicated oil soaking on the forehead
- Shiro dhara
Warm oil flow to the forehead
- Shiro lepa
Medicated head pastes or poultices
- Shiro virechana nasya
Nasal evacuative therapies
- Shiro-roga-vijnaniya
Head disorders
- Shishira
Cold season
- Shishya
Disciple/ student
- Shitali
Cooling breath exercise
- Shitkari kumbhaka
Hissing breath exercise
- Shiva
One name of God in Hinduism
- Shlakshna
Smooth quality of food
- Shleshaka kapha
One of the five kapha subdoshas; located in the bone joints and lubricates them
- Shodhana
Strong reducing therapies
- Shopha/shotha
- Shrama
- Shuklagata-roga-vijnaniya
Sclerotic coat
- Shukra dhatu
Reproductive tissue
- Shukra-shmari
Seminal stones
- Shukravaha srota
Reproductive system channels
- Shukravaha srota
Reproductive system channels
- Shula
- Shvasa
Breathing difficulty
- Siddha yoni asana
Perfection pose (for men)
- Simhasana lion
Yoga pose
- Sira
- Sita
Cold quality of food
- Sneha
Medicated Ghee and Oil
- Snehana
Oil therapy (external)
- Snehapana
Internal oil therapy
- Snighda
Oily quality of food
- Soma
Spiritual nectar
- Soma chakra
Between third eye and crown charkas
- Srota
Channels or pores
- Srutis
Vedic laws
- Stambhana
Astringent therapies
- Stanyavaha srota
Breast milk channel
- Sthana
Residence sites within the body
- Sthira
Stable quality of food
- Sthula sharira
Physical body
- Sukshma
Subtle quality of food
- Sukshma
sharira Astral body
- Surya
The Sun
- Suryabheda pranayama
Solar breathing exercise
- Suryasana
Sun salute yoga pose
- Sushrut
Author of Sushrut Samphita
- Sushumna
Spiritual tube within the spine. Life force energy rises through this tube as
- Sutratma
Thread of the self; Universal Consciousness
- Svara-bedha
- Svedhana
Preliminary pancha karma sweat therapy
- Swabhavoparama
Recession by nature. Health returns from recession by nature, resulting from administering therapies
- Swadhisthan chakra
Second or navel energy center
- Swadus
- Swami Narayan Tirtha
Successor of swami shankar purushottam Tirtha
- swami shankar purushottam Tirtha
Author of Yoga Vani & Guru Bani
- Tadan Kripa
Great piercing (yoga) position
- Taila seka
Another name for kaya seka
- Talu vidradhi
Palatal abscesses
- Talugata roga
Palate disorders
- Tamas/tamasic
One of the three gunas; lethargy destruction property
- Tanmatras
Primal sensory energies before they develop into the five senses
- Tannic acid.
A complex natural organic compound of a yellowish colour used as an astringent.
- Tannin
As astingent chemical substance found in tea, coffee, and the barks of some trees.
- Tapas
A form of spiritual practice
- Tarpaka Kapha
Subdosha that nourishes the senses. One of the five Kapha subdoshas; found in the head and nourishes the sense organs
- Tarpana
Soothing eye therapies
- Tejas
Mental fire
- Tekshna
Quick quality of food
- Tenesmus
A continual inclination to evacuate the bowels or bladder accompained by painful staining.
- Thyroid gland.
A large ductless gland in the neck secreting a hormone which regularizes growth and development through the rate of metabolism
- Tikshna
Strong smoke therapies
- Tikshnagni
Pitta-produced digestive enzymes
- Tikta
- Til
Sesame seeds
- Timira
- Tridosha/tridoshic
A physical constitution involving all three doshas
- Triglycerides.
A kind of fat which exists in the blood.
- Trishna
- Tur dal
A legume high in protein
- Udakavaha srota
Water metabolism system
- Udan Vayu
One of the five Vayu subdoshas; upward moving air
- Udara roga
Abdominal diseases
- Uddiyana bandha
Exercise that contracts the lower abdomen
- Udgharshana
Body power rub
- Ugrasana
(paschimottanasana) back stretching pose
- Ujjayi kumbhaka
Conquering breath exercise
- Unmade
- Upajihvika
- Upanishads
A series of vedic scriptures
- Upashaya
Diagnostic tests
- Upaveda
A secondary branch of the main Vedas
- Uraemia.
A morbid condition due to the excessive presence of urinary matter in the blood.
- Uric acid.
A crystalline acid forming a constituent of urine.
- Uro basti
Chest/heart bath
- Urustambha
- Ushma svedhana
Steam therapy
- Ushna
Hot quality of food
- Uttara basti
Upper tract medicated enema
- Uttara karma
Pancha karma follow-up therapies
- Vaidya
Ayurvedic Physician
- Vaiswanara
Consciousness in the universal material body
- Vajikarana
- Vala
A demon who when killed was cut in to pieces that became various gems
- Vamaka
Vamana herbs that induce vomiting
- Vamanopaga
Vamana herbs that enhance vamaka herbs
- Varnya lepa
Cosmetic plasters
- Varsha
Rainy season
- Vartmagata-roga-vijnaniya
- Vasant
- Vastu shastra
Vedic architecture
- Vata-rakta
(also called vata-shonita) gout
- Vatashthila
Enlarged prostate
- Veda Vyasa
Ancient sage who transcribed the Vedas
- Vedas
The ancient scriptures of India
- Vesicle
. A blister.
- Vidradhi
- Vignamaya kosha
Knowledge cell
- Vikriti
Current dosha imbalance ( as differentiated from prakirti or life constitution)
- Vilepi
Thick rice soup
- Vipaka
Post digestive taste
- Virasana
Hero?s yoga pose
- Virat
Consciousness in the universal physical body ( also called vaiswanara)
- Virechana
Medicated purgation; one of the pancha karma cleansing processes
- Virya
Potency ( related to the taste of herbs, foods, etc.)
- Viryalpata
- Visasana
Alternate yoga pose for virasana
- Vishada
Non-slimy quality of food
- Vishagara-vairodh tantra
Toxicology; one of the eight branches of Ayurvedic medicine
- Vishamagni
Vayu-produced digestive enzymes
- Vishamagni
Vayu-produced digestive enzymes
- Vishnu
Maintainer of the universe ( one of the triad of Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara: creator, maintainer, and destroyer of the universe respectively); also One name of God in Hinduism
- Vishuddha chakra
5th or throat energy center
- Visuchika
Gastro enteritis
- Viswa
Consciousness in the individual material body
- Vrana
- Vriddhi
Enlarged scrotum
- Vyan Vayu
One of the five vayu subdoshas; air movement throughout the body
- Vyayama
- Warts.
A small growth on the skin, usually caused by a virus
- Yajur Veda
One of the four main vedic texts
- Yakrit janya raktaplata
Sickle cell anemia
- Yama
Codes of ethical behavior non-envy, truth, non-stealing, continence, not desiring of material wealth(included with niyama)
- Yoga
Uniting of mind an d body, and the various subtale energies within ; also a form of stretching postures (see hatha yoga)
- Yoga Vani
An instructional book for the attainment of siddhayoga ( a guide to self-ealization)
- Yoni mudra
Hand position to awaken raja yoga
- Yonivyapat
Female reproductive
- Yusha
Rice and split yellow mung dal soupY